Why coaching?

Today we work in a VUCA world, a daunting acronym that stands for Volatile, Uncertain, Complex & Ambiguous

  • Our clients and stakeholders are increasingly global and diverse
  • We often work in remote teams and with coworkers from different cultural backgrounds and views of the world
  • We must be agile to keep up with ever shifting demands and changes in strategy
  • We must do more in less time and are constantly connected
  • New technologies, AI and digitalization are disrupting what we know

Executive Coaching helps us make sense of what is happening around us

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What we offer

Our tailored approaches to Executive Coaching and Consulting equip our clients to navigate the complexities of today by building the muscles for high performance and personal resilience.

Sense Making Consulting can help:

  • Support before or after a promotion to ensure success
  • Make personal & professional development goals a reality
  • Navigate intercultural challenges of a dispersed multicultural team
  • Address perceived deficits identified in 360˚ feedback
  • Deal with resistance to change – either your own or in others

Is coaching for me?

Based on a 2017 study commissioned by the International Coach Federation (ICF) and undertaken by PwC Research, participants reported 3 top reasons for using coaching.

  • Optimize individual/team performance (43%)
  • Improve communication skills (39%)
  • Increase productivity (38%)

Interestingly enough the most commonly cited outcomes were :

  • Improved communication skills (42%)
  • Increased self-esteem/self-confidence (40%)
  • Increased productivity (39%)

At SenseMaking we work on a variety of situations with our clients as illustrated below :

  • A client coming from abroad has recently been appointed Country Manager in France and finds it difficult to understand how things are done here. Having already been ‘burnt’ once, he wants to avoid any cultural faux pas going forward and ensure his success during his tenure in France.
  • A seasoned Manager based in Europe has been put in charge of a multicultural team, dispersed over Europe and Asia. She finds it hard to communicate with her Asian team members complaining about their ‘lack spontaneity and creativity’.  Coaching will help her understand the different cultural approaches to communication and hierarchy and help her leverage the diversity of her global team.
  • A US boss wants to improve team meetings with his French and Italian teams. He says the meetings start late and lack structure and there is too much talking going on. Coaching will help him understand the various perspectives on time, decision making and commutation relative to his own culture and will rapidly lead him & the team to greater results.

Whatever your challenges are, partnering with your coach in a thought-provoking and creative process will help maximise your personal and professional potential and transform diversity into a competitive advantage for your business. 

The tools we use are adapted to the challenges you encounter. This is not a ‘one fits all’ approach; team surveys, individual assessments and other coaching tools will be chosen by the coach relative to your individual goals to maximise self-discovery, enable deeper insights and ensure your success and the success of your teams.

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Who we are

Sense Making Consulting is founded upon 30+ years of international experience with Global Talent.

Virginie Bodescot has held leading roles in Human Resources at Marks & Spencer, Geodis and most recently as CHRO (Chief Human Resources Officer) of INSEAD.

The common thread woven throughout her career is supporting and developing executives to succeed in a diverse and multicultural environment. She speaks fluent English and French.

Virginie Bodescot is a fully trained coach with a Diploma in Clinical Organizational Psychology from INSEAD’s Consulting & Coaching for Change Programme (2009) and the INSEAD Coaching Certificate (2018).

Contact us

We look forward to a conversation about how SenseMaking Consulting can help meet your executive development objectives

Virginie Bodescot is a member of the International Coaching Federation and adheres to the ICF Code of Ethics

Virginie Bodescot
00 33 – 06 68 93 63 31

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